Review policy

The Responsible Organization uses an article submission, review and tracking process for quality review in a reasonable time. The Journal offers a revision process of maximum 11 months followed by the publication of the research article if it is accepted.


The tasks of reviewers are specified in a document distributed on the journal’s website and updated regularly. The editorial board guarantees the anonymity of reviewers.


With the exception of book reviews, which are evaluated by the book review editor (and discussed with members of the editorial board), all articles submitted to the journal are evaluated in one of the following ways:

  • Review by the editor-in-chief: the editor-in-chief, alone or with the assistance of the editorial board, reviews the articles submitted to the journal.
  • Open peer review: each article is reviewed by at least two (or three) reviewers, whose identities are disclosed; the identity of the author of the article is also disclosed to the reviewers.
  • Single-blind review: the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers, but the reviewers know the identity of the authors. There are at least two (or three) reviewers for each article.
  • Double-blind review: the author does not know the identity of the reviewers, and the reviewers do not know the identity of the author. There are at least two (or three) reviewers for each article. In the case of doubt or discrepancies between reviewers' assessments, additional opinions may be requested by the editorial board.

Articles contrary to the editorial line of the journal may be refused by the editorial board without a review report. Based on the reviewers’ reports, the editorial board makes one of the following three decisions within a reasonable timeframe after receiving the manuscript:

  • acceptance of the text, as submitted to the journal;
  • rejection; or
  • acceptance subject to modifications. In the latter case, the editorial board will make a final decision, positive or negative, based on the author’s response to the suggestions and comments provided by the reviewers.

Any accepted text, whether accepted upon the first receipt or after modification by the author, will undergo editorial work carried out in consultation with the author. The editorial board will always observe, in its decisions, the legal requirements relating to defamation, copyright infringement, or plagiarism.