What factors explain the use of absenteeism management tools in medico-social organizations?


  • Gulliver Lux Maître de Conférences (Université de Rennes 1) IGR-IAE de Rennes, Rennes - France




Absenteeism, Medical and social sector, Usage, Management Control Tools, TPB-D


The medical and social sector in the area of disability (facilities for disabled children and adults), like its big brother – the healthcare sector – is currently undergoing a widespread distribution of management tools. Yet creating and disseminating tools does not always mean that they are adopted and enacted on the field, within medical-social facilities. The purpose of this study is to explain how management tools are used and, especially, the uses of the “managerial – interactive” tool type, which is directed at internal stakeholders (employees, managers, staff representative bodies). We are studying the particular case of a tool used to monitor and calculate the cost of absenteeism. This is why we are taking measures to adopt the “decomposed planned behaviour theory” (TPB-D). The data available comes from a questionnaire (n=94) addressed to managers of medical-social facilities. A structural equation model (PLS) was used to establish a model for the results. 



How to Cite

Gulliver Lux. (2019). What factors explain the use of absenteeism management tools in medico-social organizations?. Journal De Gestion Et D économie médicales, 37(03), 22. https://doi.org/10.54695/jdds.037.03.394


