Access to informAl micro-cAre units in YAounde (cAmeroon): determinAnts And prospects


  • ElvirE MEndo ClErSE-uMr CnrS 8019, université lille 1, 59655 villeneuve d’ascq
  • Bruno Boidin ClErSE-uMr CnrS 8019, université lille 1
  • HErMann PytHagorE PiErrE donfouEt CESaEr-inra, dijon


Health demand, Cameroon, Informal Micro health-Units, Multinomial Logit Model, low-income households


In this article, we analyze the determinants of low-income households’demand for informal micro health units (IMHU) in Yaoundé. A field survey of 496 low-income households was conducted. We used a multinomial logit model based on five alternatives (self-medication, hospitals, clinics, informal micro health-units and others) to explore the factors influencing households’choices. A qualitative survey was also conducted. The quantitative results show that both lower income and a brief waiting time play a determining role in using these micro-units. The qualitative survey highlights the role of low prices, proximity and the quality of reception in micro units. However, IMHU have significant weaknesses due to their technical limitations and the lack of control over their activities. These results lead us to question the potential integration of micro-units in a more inclusive health system.



How to Cite

ElvirE MEndo, Bruno Boidin, & HErMann PytHagorE PiErrE donfouEt. (2022). Access to informAl micro-cAre units in YAounde (cAmeroon): determinAnts And prospects. Journal De Gestion Et D économie médicales, 33(01). Retrieved from


