Experiences of controlled liberation Reflections on a new attempt at democracy in the company


  • Thibaud BRIÈRE Né en 1976, Thibaud Brière est philosophe intervenant en entreprises, délégué à la philosophie de l’organisation du groupe Hervé. Diplômé d’HEC, titulaire d’un DEA de Philosophie (Paris I), il est lauréat de l’Académie des Sciences morales et politiques et a publié en 2012 Le Pouvoir au-delà du pouvoir avec Michel Hervé (éd. Bourin). Il est membre du Comité scientifique du programme d’études P.E.O.P.L.E.


industrial democracy, liberated companies, post-democracy


The phenomenon known as “corporate liberation” would testify to yet another desire to democratize companies, as part of two more general movements: one of liberalization, the other of the evolution of democracy toward more subtle forms of exercising power, leading to a particular conception of autonomy and law in many “liberated companies.” The new ways of managing, by fine-tuning the free will of the employees, of which these new types of companies would be the laboratory, would characterize an emerging form of democracy called “post-democracy,” in which individuals are free in their actions only within the limits authorized by the leaders



How to Cite

Thibaud BRIÈRE. (2023). Experiences of controlled liberation Reflections on a new attempt at democracy in the company. Revue Internationale De Psychosociologie Et De Gestion Des Comportements Organisationnels, 23(56). Retrieved from https://journaleska.com/index.php/ripco/article/view/8268


