Editorial Team

The Editorial Board provides editorial and copywriting management. It brings its expertise to select articles based on the opinions formulated by the reviewers. As such, it steers the entire evaluation process. More generally, it participates in defining the strategic direction of the review, which it is responsible for putting into practice. It also promotes the journal and guarantees its quality. It works under the joint authority of the Editor-in-Chief for the editorial part and the director of publication for the logistical and management parts. Its members are appointed for a term of three years, renewable, and are not remunerated.


President of Scientific Advisory Board


Franck BOURNOIS, ESCP Europe Business School, FRANCE




Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School, FRANCE


Deputy Editor-in-Chief


BIETRY Franck, Université de Caen, FRANCE


Associate Editors


GATIGNON TURNAU Anne-Laure, Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, FRANCE
GIAUQUE David, Université de Lausanne, SUISSE
LACROUX Alain, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, FRANCE
RAINERI Nicolas, ICN Business School, GERMANY
RIOT Elen, l’Université de Reims Champagne Ardennes, FRANCE
WASIELESKI David, Duquesne University, US


Advisors to the Editors


GENDRON Corinne, The Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), CANADA
LAROCHE Patrice, Université de Lorraine, FRANCE


Editorial Coordinators


Estelle DURAND, ICN Business School
Morgane LEONARD, ICN Business School


Publication Director




Procedures for the appointment and renewal of Editor-in-Chief

Associate editors are appointed by the Editor-in-Chief. Candidates may be nominated by qualified members of the editorial team or by open application. In the absence of potential candidates, the Editorial Board may decide to make an open call for candidates. Regardless of the solicitation procedure, candidates are asked to send the Editor-in-Chief a reasoned proposal including a cover letter, a CV and an institutional commitment (not mandatory). All candidates with the required profile for the position may apply. The editorial committee selects the applications to be considered. It may gather any information on potential candidates that its members consider useful, in strict confidence. Qualified candidates may be invited to interview with the Editor-in-Chief and possibly the Editorial Board. Once the selection process for qualified candidates is complete, the Editor-in-Chief appoints the new Associate Editor (if there is consensus among the other active Associate Editors) for a three-year term (renewable once), normally beginning on January 1 following the appointment. Associate Editors are not paid.


Minimum requirements to acquire the position of Associate Editor

  1. Preferably HDR (in France), Professeur des universités or equivalent (full professor)

  2. Publications in the research area in national and international peer-reviewed journals

  3. Editorial experience (including review experience)

  4. Availability of at least half a day per week for the journal

  5. Institutional support (optional, but an added advantage).

Documents to be provided:

  1. Curriculum vitae highlighting the candidate's educational background and scientific and editorial production.

  2. Letter of motivation including the candidate's vision (adherence to RIPCO's mission and positioning as well as the proposed strategy for moving the journal forward).

  3. Formal commitment from the director of the home institution regarding a possible reduction in workload for the benefit of RIPCO (optional).

Procedures for the appointment and renewal of Associate Editors

The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the Director of Publication. Candidates may be solicited by qualified members of the Editorial Board or by open application. In the absence of potential candidates, the Editorial Board may decide to make an open call for nominations. Regardless of the solicitation procedure, candidates are asked to send the Director of the Publication a motivated proposal including a letter of motivation, a CV and an institutional commitment. All candidates with the required profile for the position may apply. The Journal Office selects the applications to be considered. It may collect any information on potential candidates that its members deem useful, in strict confidence. Qualified candidates may be called for an interview with the Journal Board. Upon completion of the selection process for qualified candidates, the Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the Director of Publication for a period of three years (renewable once), normally beginning on January 1 following the appointment. An Editor-in-Chief may be removed from office by the same procedure as the appointment. The Editor-in-Chief shall not be paid.


Minimum requirements to acquire the position of Editor-in-Chief

  1. Doctorate of more than 5 years

  2. Preferably HDR, University Professor or equivalent (full professor)

  3. Publications in the research field of the journal in highly ranked national and international scientific journals

  4. Proven editorial experience (including as a reviewer);

  5. Personality suited to editing: impartiality, confidentiality, commitment, organization, etc.

  6. Very good knowledge of English and French (written and spoken).

  7. Availability compatible with the position of Editor-in-Chief to be assumed.

  8. Existence of institutional support: reduction of workload for the benefit of the journal, guarantee of means for the functioning of the editorial secretariat (office, equipment, licenses and at least one half-time editorial assistant) and for the exercise of the Editor-in-Chief's position (representation expenses, for example)

Documents to be provided:

  1. Curriculum vitae highlighting scientific and editorial production.

  2. Letter of motivation containing the candidate's vision (his or her adherence to the mission and positioning of RIPCO and the candidate's point of view on the strategy to be implemented during his or her mandate to advance the journal).

  3. Official commitment from the Director of the candidate's institution as to the means that will be made available to the Editor-in-Chief: reduction of his or her workload for the benefit of the journal and guarantee of the operating means of the editorial secretariat (office, equipment and at least one half-time editorial assistant).

Scientific Advisory Board


The Scientific Committee is made up of researchers who are highly recognized by the scientific community and who represent all disciplines likely to be interested in the field of organizational behavior. The members of the scientific committee are appointed by the editor-in-chief of the journal. In doing so, the latter shall take into account proposals that may be presented by the managing editor and associate editors. The role of this second committee is fourfold: :

  1. It provides scientific expertise by analyzing the needs of the field. To this end, it suggests the type of publications to be prioritized and the themes to be highlighted. In this sense, it contributes to maintaining and developing the visibility of the journal;

  2. Given the high profile of its members, the Scientific Committee may be consulted by the Editor-in-Chief to define the strategic direction of the journal. This committee has an advisory role in this regard;

  3. At the request of the editorial team, its members may be asked to represent the journal at various conferences and other study days organized by learned societies. The aim is to increase the journal's notoriety by making its editorial line better known in the scientific community and to increase the number of article submissions;

  4. Its members are called upon in priority by the editorial committee to proofread proposed articles. They may also be called upon in cases of disagreement concerning the evaluation of a manuscript or a proposal for a special issue.

The composition of the journal's scientific committee has evolved over the last few months in line with the new editorial policy, in particular by integrating a dozen recognized specialists in the field of organizational behavior, thus reinforcing the guarantees of high-level academic assessment. The presence of English-speaking members also allows for the evaluation of article proposals that are submitted in English.
The chairman of the scientific committee is the guarantor of the scientific integrity of the journal. It acts as a mediator in the event of difficulties arising between the editorial board and the authors or reviewers.






Université Grenoble Alpes  



Université Paris-Est Créteil 


BOUDRIAS  Jean-Sébastien

Université de Montréal 



ESCP Europe Paris 



Université Lyon 3  



Aix Marseille Université  



Université de Nantes 



Université de Montpellier  



HEC Liège 


CORON  Clotilde

Université Paris-Saclay 



Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale 



Université de Fribourg 


DELOBBE  Nathalie

Université de Genève 



Université de Bretagne Sud 



Université de Genève  


GRIMA François

Université Paris Est Créteil  



Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) 



Université Lyon 3  



University of Helsinki 


KANE Aimee

Duquesne University 

United States  


Université de Lorraine 



Utah Valley University 

United States 


Université Toulouse 1 



EM Lyon 



Université de Lorraine 


NEVEU  Jean-Pierre

Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour 


NKAKLEU  Raphaël

Université de Douala  


NOËL Florent

IAE de Paris 



Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) 



University of Sherbrooke 



Université Paris Dauphine - PSL  



ICN Business School 


PICHAULT  François

Université de Liège  


POINT Sébastien

EM Strasbourg 


RAPPIN Baptiste

Université de Lorraine 


STIMEC  Arnaud

Sciences Po Rennes  


TASKIN Laurent

Université de Louvain  



Université Nice Sophia Antipolis  



Université de Tours 



Copenhagen Business Schooll 



ICD Business School, Toulouse 



Procedures for the appointment and renewal of the members of the Scientific Advisory Committee

The members of the Scientific Advisory Board are co-opted by the Editorial Board and appointed by the Editor-in-Chief, who takes into account the proposals that may be made by the other members of the Editorial Board. The proposed candidates must be clearly recognized by the scientific community representing all disciplines likely to be interested in the field of organizational behavior, be able to bring scientific expertise to assist the strategic orientation of the journal and contribute to maintain and develop the visibility of the journal. Members of the Scientific Advisory Board are not remunerated.