Peer Review Policy


RIPCO utilizes a sophisticated online submission, review, and tracking system to ensure a swift and high-quality review process. Manuscripts can only be submitted via the Manuscript Management platform

The platform enables the management of all processes and actions involved in the blind review of articles and communication with authors and reviewers: checking compliance with the journal guidelines (form, style, plagiarism, ...) and assigning manuscripts to the editor-in-chief, allocating the manuscript to an associate editor whose expertise is close to the subject of the manuscript, selecting and inviting reviewers, submitting the evaluation report via a standardized form, automatic reminders in the event of late review, rating by the associate editor of the quality of reviews, transmission of recommendations and decisions, communication with all parties involved (authors, reviewers and associated editors), etc. The platform also allows the generation of all statistics related to the manuscript review process.

Editorial Commitment

The Editorial Committee of RIPCO, together with the Editor-in-Chief, is committed to upholding ethical and honest practices in supporting both established and emerging scholars in the field of organizational behavior. The journal offers a supportive and broad platform for innovative thinkers and new researchers in this domain.

Submission and Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to RIPCO undergo a rigorous peer review to ensure they meet high scholarly standards. Submissions must contribute meaningfully to the field of organizational behavior, encompassing a wide range of topics and methodologies. Even contributions that are modest yet significant are valued, as these are key elements our reviewers and editors consider during the assessment process.

Upon final verification, manuscripts are forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief who preliminarily evaluates them before initiating the peer review by at least two experts in the subject area. The corresponding author will be promptly informed by email about the editorial decision.

Revision Process

Authors are required to provide a detailed response to reviewers' comments, indicating how the manuscript has been revised. The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers or new ones, depending on the decision of the editorial board member handling the submission.

Final Stages of Publication

Once all editorial concerns are addressed, the manuscript is formally accepted for publication. Authors will receive proofs of their manuscript to correct only typographical or factual errors; all such corrections must be approved by the production team. The Journal retains the final say on matters of style and the size of figures in the published article.