l’euthanasie et la mort avec Dignité en Droit japonais


  • Prof. Dr. Katsunori Kai




Soins de fin de vie, Euthanasie active, Laisser mourir, Suicide assisté, Dignité, Japon, Législation, Responsabilité pénale, Prise de décision, Consentement d’un tiers


In Japan, there are no acts and, specific provisions or official guidelines on
euthanasia, but recently, as I will mention below, an official guideline on “death
with dignity” has been made. Nevertheless in fact, this guideline provides only a
few rules of process on terminal care. Therefore the problems of euthanasia and
“death with dignity” are mainly left to the legal interpretation by literatures and
judicial precedents of homicide (Article 199 of the Criminal Code; where there is
no distinction between murder and manslaughter) and of homicide with consent
(Article 202 of the Criminal Code). Furthermore, there are several cases on
euthanasia or “death with dignity” as well as borderline cases in Japan. In this paper
I will present the situation of the latest discussions on euthanasia and “death with
dignity” in Japan from the viewpoint of medical law. Especially, “death with
dignity” is seriously discussed in Japan, therefore I focus on it.




