“I stumbled into this mess, onto the street” The story of a young person, of a life without organization


  • Julien BILLION ulien Billion est docteur en sociologie, lauréat Fulbright à l’université Columbia et à l’université Harvard. Après avoir dirigé un laboratoire privé de recherche, il est qualifié en sciences de gestion pour devenir maître de conférences. Actuellement, il postule à différentes universités et développe un projet de documentaire intitulé « comme tout le monde » sur la jeunesse sans domicile


youth, homeless, socialization, organization, rupture, street


This ethnographic study deconstructs the life stories and the ruptures of young homeless people in Paris. Ten case studies are conducted. Observations and interviews are conducted over time. In this article, the story of a young, disorganized life is analyzed in depth. Romain has experienced a series of ruptures throughout his life. A school dropout, unemployed, far from his family and health and social associations, he socializes on the street. He wanders around with his dog, and sometimes other homeless people, depending on available opportunities. He takes drugs, begs, and resorts to delinquent acts to alleviate his suffering and to survive.



How to Cite

Julien BILLION. (2023). “I stumbled into this mess, onto the street” The story of a young person, of a life without organization. Revue Internationale De Psychosociologie Et De Gestion Des Comportements Organisationnels, 23(56). Retrieved from https://journaleska.com/index.php/ripco/article/view/8271


