Handicapped minor and father’s refusal of vital transplant


  • Abdelhafid Ossoukine Unité de Recherche en Bioéthique, CRIDSSH/Université d’Oran, 87-89, rue Larbi Ben M’Hidi, Oran, Algérie.


medical ethics, medical practices, parents, law, casuistry, Algeria


This article attempts to give an account of a certain number of cases encountered in hospital which show the flaws in any normative and moral logic at the heart of ethics. The analysis of the situations experienced by the doctors reveals clearly the gap between standards and the complexity of everyday socio-cultural reality. What is shown here is the pertinence of a research perspective centred on critical questioning about situations that are often contradictory produced by the actors in the health field and an attempt is made to open new avenues of research to an everyday ethic.



How to Cite

Abdelhafid Ossoukine. (2023). Handicapped minor and father’s refusal of vital transplant. Journal International De bioéthique Et d’éthique Des Sciences, 13(1). Retrieved from https://journaleska.com/index.php/jidb/article/view/8301


