
  • International Transitions

    International Transitions

    International Transitions is a multidisciplinary journal that addresses the gap between the realities of transitions and the aspirations they entail, as observed within our international academic community. Transition, defined as a slow and gradual movement from one state to another, often implies a desired change. We explore the realities of transition in various fields such as environment, health, digital, and societal transformations, examining how they align with people's expectations and influence our economies and societal interactions. We welcome contributions that delve into these issues.


    Founded in 1964, Maghreb-Mashrek, is a leading international social science journal devoted to the contemporary issues of the Middle East and North Africa region. It brings together articles from researchers providing an in-depth analysis on the following topics: political systems, economic issues, social mobilizations, transnational dynamics, and international relations. The journal supports a multidisciplinary perspective based on political science, history, geography, sociology and economics.


    The current evolution of medicine within the social group, the more and more precise regulation of medical activity, the constant relations between medical activity, judicial organization and public administration, explain the development of forensic medicine and medical law.

  • Annales du bâtiment et des travaux publics

    Les Annales du BTP magazine is the heir to Les Annales magazine from ITBTP, created in 1948 at the initiative of professional federations in the sector. The review was then the mode of dissemination of the events organized by the Institute of Building and Public Works. In 1997, after the disengagement of the federations, the review was taken over by ESKA, which set up with the help of SEBTP (publishing house BTP) an editorial committee made up of specialists from very diverse horizons. The members of this committee were among the many engineers and researchers who, with a number of scientific and technical associations, were concerned about the risk of seeing the Annals disappear. At the end of 2002, the SEBTP, dependent on the French Building Federation, abandoned the coordination of the editorial staff.

  • Sécurité Globale

    The Journal is Under Construction.

  • Journal international de bioéthique et d'éthique des sciences

    Created in 1990 by Prof. L. Roche (forensic medicine) and Mr. Ch. Byk (magistrate, specialist in international law), the JIB is a bilingual quarterly journal devoted to a multidisciplinary and international approach to science, ethics and society. It constitutes a forum for reflection and analysis of issues related to the bioethics movement that has developed since the 1980s. It seeks to promote academic work from a scientific policy development perspective. It places particular emphasis on the geo-cultural and globalization aspects of techno-scientific problems.


    Created in 1994, the journal Musurgia appears at the rate of four issues per year. André Riotte (1928-2011) was its editor-in-chief from 1994 to 2000, Nicolas Meeùs from 2001 to 2017. Under the aegis of the French Society of Music Analysis (SFAM), Musurgia publishes on all subjects of analysis and/or music theory. The journal aims to be a place for dialogue across institutional, national, or disciplinary boundaries.
    Spontaneous submissions are strongly encouraged.


    Monde chinois - nouvelle Asie analyzes the economic, strategic, political and cultural evolutions of the whole formed by the Chinese world and the bordering regions, Japan and Korea, of course, but also South-East Asia and the Central Asia, especially in their relationship with China.

  • Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines

    The aim of the Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines is to raise awareness of scientific research in Human Resource Management by promoting high-level, diverse academic research in which all methodological and epistemological approaches can find their place, provided they advance knowledge in the field. Methodological openness has been part of the journal’s DNA since its inception, giving visibility to a wide range of researchers, PhD students and/or HRM practitioners. Today, it is the leading reference journal in the French- speaking scientific field of Human Resource Management, ranked #2 by the FNEGE for many years, and the only such journal in the French-speaking world to publish in both print and digital formats.

  • Entreprises et Histoire

    The first two issues of the journal Entreprises & Histoire were published one in April 1992, the other in December 1992 by Editions ESKA. The project had been formed two years earlier by François Caron, professor at the University of Paris IV, and Patrick Fridenson, director of studies at EHESS. It was born from the observation that France lacking a magazine specially devoted to the history of companies, unlike the other large industrialized countries, be it Great Britain, Italy, Germany or the United States. This situation appeared to be all the more paradoxical since the discipline had known, since the 1970s, a boom parallel to the movement of reconciliation between French society and its businesses, which marked this period. All the French professors of economic history, as well as several professors of management, agreed to serve on the Editorial Board. A request for the subsidy was presented to the Industrial History Committee, created near the Minister of Industry, and chaired then by Mr. Fauroux, another near the CNL. The first was granted within the framework of the Institute for the History of Industry, chaired by Mr. Roger Martin, in April 1991. It took the form of support subscriptions paid in December 1991 and February 1992. The second, of 40,000 francs, was granted in July 1991 and paid in July 1992.


    Maghreb-Machrek is a social science journal of politics in the Arab-Muslim world. It brings together articles from researchers on the following themes: political systems, social mobilizations, transnational dynamics, and international relations. On all these points, while adopting a historical perspective in order to understand the current developments, it deals with contemporary issues in this region to offer an in-depth analysis.

  • Journal de gestion et d économie médicales

    The JOURNAL DE GESTION ET D’ECONOMIE DE LA SANTÉ publishes original scientific articles in health economics and management, whatever the field of research:: research on health services, health policies, economic evaluation technologies (goods, services, and medical procedures) or health interventions (organizational changes, methods of remuneration, screening programs, etc.), management of health organizations (forms of coordination, teamwork, and quality of life professional, use of technology, etc.). The journal is made up of two series: a management series and an economic series. Articles are oriented by the editorial staff to one or the other series according to the disciplinary orientation of the articles.

  • Bankers, Markets & Investors

    Bankers, Markets, and Investors vise à publier des articles de recherche courts et innovants dans les domaines de la banque, des marchés financiers et de l'investissement avec une application pratique pertinente pour les investisseurs. Le but de la revue est de créer un pont entre les universitaires et les professionnels, en publiant des articles qui ont un intérêt direct pour ceux qui travaillent dans la finance. Nous recherchons des articles courts, tournés vers l'avenir et rigoureux, rédigés dans un style accessible au lectorat professionnel. Les thèmes de la revue sont les suivants: choix de portefeuille, gestion des investissements, investisseurs institutionnels (fonds de pension, fonds souverains, assurances, fonds communs de placement…), investisseurs individuels et finance des ménages, finance comportementale, investissements alternatifs (hedge funds, private equity…) ), dérivés et financements structurés, liquidité et coûts de transaction, investissement socialement responsable, fonds et gouvernance d'entreprise, réglementation et gestion des risques financiers, marchés de capitaux, instruments de taux d'intérêt, titres adossés à des actifs, actions et convertibles, conception de titres, devises, financement d'entreprise , stratégies de couverture, gestion actif-passif.