Le Hezbollah libanais : du pragmatisme politique à la subversion par l’information


  • Briec LE GOUVELLO Diplômé de l’École de guerre économique


Since the Hezbollah’s involment in the Lebanon democratic sphere, this organization proved they are able to be pragmatic in politics and even about ideological subjects. Reasons are in the Lebanon society which is multi confessional you have to be consensual. Then, God’s party is a complex political one. It is a military organization and a social institution in the same time. Hezbollah’s communication and information strategies have to be seen as pragmatic. Especially the information and communication system settled by the shia islam organization and how they emit their messages to their audience or their specific targets. The Hezbollah’s organization uses the information on an offensive way. The panel of how they use information is wide: Persuasion, influence, propaganda and even manipulation. This multidirectional strategy tries to settle a new kind of struggle which could be called the “meaning war”. The “weak” tries to balance the technologic power of the “strong” by using the information on a subversive way. The “missed Israel war” against the Hezbollah organization which occurred in July 2006 confirms these observations. It teaches how to manage the information during contemporary asymmetric conflicts.



How to Cite

Briec LE GOUVELLO. (2023). Le Hezbollah libanais : du pragmatisme politique à la subversion par l’information. Sécurité Globale, 3(1). Retrieved from https://journaleska.com/index.php/sg/article/view/8180


