Impacts économiques et sociétaux des actes terroristes, sous l’angle du bioterrorisme


  • Jan-Peter PAUL Docteur, conseiller du directeur adjoint de la Direction générale santé et protection des consommateurs de la Commission européenne.


The author has presented the global as well as the European approach to combating the risks and threats relating to biological proliferation, with an emphasis on bioterrorism. In the paper, the economic assessments relating to terrorism are presented, including economic sector impacts like impacts on consumption, stock markets, capital flows, tourism and transport. It is noted that the adverse impact is greater to developing countries compared to industrial ones. The EU Green Paper on Biopreparedness is presented and discussed. The author also presents his escalation hypothesis of terrorist action and state response.
The author notes the importance of utility costs which should be assessed in relation to mitigating bio-threat actions, highlighting that these are not value neutral. Finally the role of the media is discussed as an activator or mitigating factor of terrorism, including bioterrorism.



How to Cite

Jan-Peter PAUL. (2023). Impacts économiques et sociétaux des actes terroristes, sous l’angle du bioterrorisme. Sécurité Globale, 3(1). Retrieved from


