Geopolitics in South America: crises, continuities and changes


  • Wanderley MESSIAS DA COSTA


geopolitics, integration, crisis, fragmentation, security, defense


This text addresses the current directions of South America from an essentially geopolitical perspective. It critically examines the course of its regional integration since the creation of Mercosul in 1991 and highlights the causes of the decline of this process, illustrated by the extinction of UNASUL in 2019. It also analyzes the internal impacts and external projections of the pendular movements arising from the alternation of national governments with their respective ideological and political changes. Another theme examined is the current worsening in this region of the fragmentation trends in several of its countries, with emphasis on internal conflicts involving ethnic communities, territorial cutouts, and border areas. Finally, the text addresses the persistence of several cases of border disputes and territorial disputes in the region, as well as the influence of the three great world powers and their ties with South American countries.




