
  • SG
    Vol. 34 No. 08 (2016)

    Digital security by those who design and practice it

    Computer security for the basic user. One field expert, ten fundamentals

    The NSA, "evil genius" of the cyberworld?

  • SG
    Vol. 23 (2013)

  • SG
    Vol. 47 No. 21 (2020)

    Terrorist risks targeting soldiers (men, buildings)

    De-radicalization in Belgium

    The judiciary in France: terrain, difficulties - Overview, concrete cases

    Terrorism and tourism: for a geopolitical analysis framework

    Four questions to Dr. Vincent Laforge on his book "The flesh and the lead"

    Genealogy of a criminal system or the anthropological roots of the Camorra

  • SG
    Vol. 33 No. 07 (2016)

    Understanding in order to fight: armed Salafism, the fundamentals

    Iran: eyes on those who will no doubt choose a successor to Supreme Leader Ali Khâmene’i

    Islamist terrorism: it's gone to last

    Crime, terrorism: dangerous connections

    Art and money laundering

    Open forum Restoring the National Gendarmerie

    New threats, hybrids, etc., an American vision

  • SG
    Vol. 44 No. 18 (2019)

    Hermeneutics of terrorism On the Middle East scene, mastering terrorism from above The American (super?) Power: strategic and criminological diagnosis Chronicles & Columns Far-right and neo-Nazi terrorism, anti-Semitic attacks: a history of provocations and false alarms France-Soir - July 5, 1993 - Suburbs, gangs, cities [26 years ago, everything was already described ...]

    Evolution of cannabis use among 18-64 year olds China: new global cocaine target in 2019?

    “A certain idea of ​​justice” - Dick Marty - PM Favre editor, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2018 Novlanguage! media neutralizer gibberish

  • SG
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016)

  • SG
    Vol. 27 No. 01 (2015)

    Society and crime: two visions

    Write an essay Design – structure – write a copy, according to the phenomenological approach

  • SG
    Vol. 41 No. 15 (2018)

    Law in the face of digital disruption

    For a more effective fight against cybercrime

    Is the Darknet a lawless area?

    NIS: towards a harmonized framework for cybersecurity?

    New perspectives in the fight against cybercrime

    The need for an online prosecution

    Business secrets, a tool for protecting digital assets

    A (guided) excursion to the digital Far West

    The jihadists' release from prison: the challenge dates back to the 2000s, answers uncertain

    Seine-Saint-Denis: “social misery”, really?

  • SG
    Vol. 5 No. 3 (2008)

  • SG
    Vol. 38 No. 12 (2017)

    The fight against money laundering and terrorist financing in West Africa

    The legalization of cannabis in the United States and Uruguay: initial findings

    Colorado: legalization of cannabis challenged by organized crime

    Cannabis legalization and criminality in Uruguay

    The long legal recognition of data theft

  • Sécurité globale
    Vol. 32 No. 32 (2022)

    Camille VERLEUW - Iran théocratique : une succession préoccupante 
    Camille VERLEUW - Pakistan : islam spécifique, aristocraties méconnues 
    Michel GANDILHON - La part d’angélisme en lui : Steven Pinker et le déclin
    de la violence dans l’Histoire 
    Ioannis GALATAS et Julien MARX - Paris 2024 : cérémonie d’ouverture
    des Jeux olympiques – Innovante ? Oui ! Sécurisée (CBRNe/NBCe) ? Non ! 

    Arndt SINN and Marcel P. IDEN - Old and New Threats
    of Organised Crime 
    Daniel DORY - Un nouveau manuel de terrorism studies : acquis et limites 
    Daniel DORY et Hervé THÉRY - Terrorisme au Pérou : le Sentier Lumineux
    revisité par la géographie 

    Xavier RAUFER - In memoriam, Frank Cali, 1965-2019 
    Alexis DEPRAU - Y a-t-il un sheriff pour le chaos du cyber-Far-West ? 
    Xavier RAUFER - Faits & Idées 

  • SG
    Vol. 35 No. 09 (2017)

    About the publication of UneFrancesubise.LesVoixdurefus

    Preventing recidivism: an experience in the agglomeration of Saint-Quentinois

    The use of homemade bombs (explosive or incendiary) in France: a dangerous development

    The New Clothes of Imperialism: Why? How? 'Or' What ?

    From the fight against corruption to the capitalism of chaos, eight theses on a legal revolution

    Geopolitics of American Law: Latest News from the External Front

    The conquest of the intangible world

    Cyberspace, new threats and new vulnerabilities

    The Company, actor of national security

    Thinking about the influence in the balance of power in economic warfare: from competition to criminal maneuvers

    Pangloss in paradise?

    Pierre Manent and the Tontons Flingueurs

    Reminder of the correct use of the words Jurisdictions (at least to the most serious)

  • SG
    Vol. 54 No. 28 (2021)

  • SG
    Vol. 31 No. 05 (2016)

    Fraud, crime: from sport impunity to sport security

    A brief history of the future. The criminal world by 2025

    Threats from transnational criminal entities to the internal security of States

    Disinformation: weapons of falsehood, struggle and chaos in the information society

    Cooperation between police, military and internal security services in CSTO member countries


    Andromeda - Antidiotics 1

    M. de Lagasnerie in Liberation

  • SG
    Vol. 48 No. 22 (2020)

    Illicit drug trafficking in Burkina Faso, a growing threat?

    The Jihadist movement and the Hirak in Algeria

    When the "lone wolf" hid the herd: deconstructing a security myth

    Drug market and crime during the Covid-19 era: state of play and perspectives

    Narcotics-Morocco - Médias24 (Morocco) 26-28 / 11/2019 - Exclusive. The boss of the narcotics sits at the table

    Terrorism studies at the time of taking stock

    Poland's counterterrorism and counterterrorism forces

    In Memoriam Joseph "Joe Loose" Iacobucci (... 1950 - April 2020)

    Xavier Raufer - the role of editor-in-chief of Global Security

  • SG
    Vol. 45 No. 19 (2019)

    From Cryptography to Digital Security: A Decade and Beyond

    Why ethics?

    Who am I administratively in France, in terms of e-governments?

    Revisiting the idea of ​​cybersecurity for the digital world of the 21st century

    The age of cyber and neuro-diversity

    Suppressing digital crimes: a heavy and slow task

    Predict crime or prevent crime?

    Crooks, spies, megalos: welcome to the GAFA

    Criminological critique of diversity, "word without history"

    1930-1940 decades: when it is serious, it is better to listen to the intelligence services

    How political intelligence operated under the Third Republic

    Criminological glossary

  • Sécurité globale
    Vol. 33 No. 1 (2023)

    Crises, guerres, terreur : en sortir, mais comment ?

    Pr. Eguzki URTEAGA - Le processus de paix au Pays Basque : le rôle majeur joué par la société civile et les élus locaux 

    Djallil LOUNNAS et Michael AYARI - Repenser le lien entre djihadisme  et délinquance : La trajectoire singulière de « revenants tunisiens » 

    Xavier RAUFER - Eurasie : géopolitique, choc des puissances et guerres à l’aveuglette 

    Chroniques et rubriques

    Xavier RAUFER - Quatre questions à M. David Cumin ÉTUDES THÉORIQUES

    Daniel DORY et Kattalin GABRIEL-OYHAMBURU -Neuf questions sur le terrorisme 

    RUBRIQUE CRIMINOLOGIQUE Xavier RAUFER - Chronique criminologique des événements en cours 


  • SG(29-30)
    Vol. 29 No. 03-04 (2015)

    Ever more cyber-threatened: local authorities

    "Predictive policing": the beautiful stories of Uncle Predpol

  • SG
    Vol. 42 No. 16 (2018)

    Brazilian reality and foreign observers: an information war undermined by taboos and obsessions

    Security roots of Jair Bolsonaro's electoral breakthrough

    Geography of violence in Brazil

    Corruption - obligation? The culture of ruse in Brazil and the roots of corruption

    The Brazilian army in the fight against crime

    Security in Brazil: inventory and outlook

    The economic costs of crime in Brazil

    Crime, Ecology and Terror: A New Model for Optimizing Yield? The example of Brazil

    Brazil: at the origin of the election of J. Bolsonaro, a media-liberal delirium

    Killer robots - the dehumanized war

    The Shining Path: a laboratory for the study of terrorism

    The "rogue agents": end of the cold war, anticommunism and terrorism

    Criminological Chronicle

  • SG
    Vol. 19 No. 1 (2012)

  • SG
    Vol. 39 No. 13 (2018)

    Coca and cocaine: the future

    New maritime crime

    Towards a new wave of maritime crime

    Toxicity of maritime overcapacity

    New crimes at sea, vision of the maritime gendarmerie

    The contribution of criminal intelligence to the maritime domain

    The new maritime crime

    Eco-terrorism: magnifying glass, wet firecracker

    Precursors, foresee, prevent

    Early detection: conceptual failure of the CIA, confusion of the European Commission

    Definitions and confusions Crimes (political, war and against humanity)

  • SG
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2008)

  • SG
    Vol. 36 No. 10 (2017)

    Iran, Syria, Shiites and "Alawites" - plus "Islamic State": survival and indirect strategy

    "Paramilitary Shiism", now and in the future

    Shiite forces and their international ambitions

    Paramilitary Shiism A forgotten or hidden strategic threat

    "In the words of the enemy"

    The management of the religious fact in business in the face of radicalization

    A strange coincidence of times: the attacks in metropolitan France by the FLN and the Islamic State (1957-2017)

    Criminological Documentary Lab (Bdoc-Crim)

    Burnt cars

  • SG
    No. 1 (2013)

  • SG
    Vol. 32 No. 06 (2016)

    cooperation between the Russian federal services and the Ministry of Public Security of the P.R. China in the fight against organized crime in the Russian Far East (Cross-border aspects)

    Illicit drugs in France: a rapidly growing market

    Cocaine at the start of the 21st century

    The fight against terrorism and crime: A paradigm shift? An Algerian vision

    The Russian Perception of Its Own Safety: Myths and Realities

    Early detection: the indecent scam of "Brazilatry"

    Use of social networks by criminal gangs

    The “uberized” jihad

    Misery and crime: the revealer of Latin America - A tomb for the “culture of excuse”

    Crime, revealing of the evils of our time Criminal gangs, the state of Elapein

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