Authors Guideline


The first page must include the title of the article, the names and surnames of the authors, the full address of the service author's address or address (with telephone, email, and fax), keywords (in French and English), and an explanation of the title.

The title should be brief and clearly indicate the subject of the work, have functional words, the very first before as much as possible, be a keyword.

Keywords (maximum 5) are proposed by the authors to be used for the bibliographic index, for writing Table of Contents and Documentation Services International. They must therefore be chosen with care.

The explanation of the title is intended to appear in the summary of the magazine. It must have a maximum of 2 lines and recall the theme and main result of the article.

On the next page should appear two summaries (one in French, one in English, maximum of 15 lines each). Each of these summaries should be concise and include details provided by each chapter head.

The presentation of the articles conforms to the customs of original articles: title, summary, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, bibliographic references, legends, tables, and figures.

They should be avoided as much as possible. Otherwise, they must be explained during the first quotation in the text, except in the case of abbreviations referring to.

The generic name, the specialty name, the title of the marketing laboratory, and its address (for example Paris France) must be provided.


Bibliographic references are listed in order to appear in the text. For journal articles will note:

the names of the authors followed by the initials of their first names, the title of the article in the original language, the name of the abridged journal in the style of the Index Medicus (no punctuation after the abbreviations), the year, the volume, the first and the last page of the article.

For articles, same presentation of authors, the title of the article (in the original language), initials and names of publishers, book title, city, year of publication, issue of page.


Tables should be self-explanatory not have to resort to text. They must be numbered in Roman numerals. The figures will be numbered in Arabic numerals. Their number should be limited. They must be of perfect quality. All black and white figures must have a legend.


They must be expressed at the end of the article, as well as any indications of subsidies that could have been granted to the authors. Authors must send their declaration of conflict of interest.