Factors affecting the attractiveness of African financial markets: The case of the WAEMU stock market assessed using quantile regression


  • Théophile BASSENE PH.D. AEI, International School, LIPHA - UPEC University of Paris – Est Créteil – FRANCE
  • ALASSANE DIALLO PH.D. Chercheur associé au Centre de Recherche en Économie de Grenoble (CREG). Enseignant-chercheur, Université Amadou Mahtar Mbow de Dakar (UAM), DEGO.
  • ADAMA BA PH.D. Enseignant-chercheur, Université Alioune Diop de Bambey, ECOMIJ.


WAEMU Stock Exchange (BRVM), Attractiveness, Liquidity, Export Sectors Index


Our study contributes to the literature on the dynamics of African financial markets by examining the dependence structure between the BRVM, the economic fundamentals of the WAEMU and global factors. Using the quantile regression approach, our empirical findings show that investors have to overcome several difficulties to correctly understand the dynamics of the BRVM market. These difficulties reduce the attractiveness of the BRVM. Tax incentives to attract more companies to the stock market, in particular companies in the exporting sectors (mining and agricultural sectors), could help to increase the liquidity and attractiveness of the BRMV. This can concretely materialize by creating a new index: BRVM Export sectors.



How to Cite

BASSENE, T., ALASSANE DIALLO, & ADAMA BA. (2024). Factors affecting the attractiveness of African financial markets: The case of the WAEMU stock market assessed using quantile regression. Bankers, Markets & Investors, 176(01). Retrieved from https://journaleska.com/index.php/bmi/article/view/9429


