Aim & scope

Bankers, Markets & Investors (BMI) is a scientific journal devoted to financial issues with an orientation towards applications. It welcomes submissions on a broad range of financial topics, including financial markets and investors, banking, and corporate finance. The journal's mission is to publish research that is not only rigorously validated but also has practical implications, potentially influencing both academic knowledge and professional practices, such as innovation and development. Submissions that are predominantly theoretical, legal, or fall outside the journal's thematic scope will not be considered for review and may be referred to more suitable publications.

BMI invites submissions in areas of financial markets & investors, banking, and corporate finance, broadly defined, with relevant practical application for investors. Submissions are invited in four distinct categories of paper types:

  • Short Paper: These should be concise, with a word count not exceeding 2,500 words. Ideal for presenting succinct research findings or novel ideas.
  • Regular Paper: Comprehensive studies or reviews, limited to 8,000 words. These papers should offer in-depth analyses or extensive research results.
  • Focus On: This category is for short manuscripts, no longer than 4,000 words, that delve into a specific topic from a practitioner's perspective. The aim is to provide current research and insights into practical applications.
  • Debate On: Transcripts from discussions among experts at forums, conferences, or seminars. These submissions should capture both academic and practical viewpoints on a particular issue, contributing to the ongoing dialogue with contemporary research insights.

The submissions must be articulated in a clear and comprehensible manner, effectively communicating the core findings and innovative aspects. They should present fresh, initial, or exploratory results that are of significance to the wide-ranging community interested in finance. In line with journal’s historical mission, the purpose of the journal is to create a bridge between academics and professionals, by publishing articles that have direct relevance to those working in finance.

BMI aims to offers and ensures the rapid publication of important new results in these areas and across the various types of submissions. We aim to deliver rapid feedback to submissions (an objective of 6 weeks is defined), with all papers undergoing a desk review by one of the Editors in Chief before being sent for review. Topics welcomed include, but are not limited to, those below. Authors are welcome to contact any of the Chief Editors to inquire, without prejudice, as to topic suitability:

  • Banking Efficiency,
  • Banking Regulation,
  • Banking Risk Management,
  • Banking Solvency,
  • Asset Management,
  • Risk Management,
  • Systemic Risk,
  • Portfolio Choice,
  • Investment Management,
  • Institutional Investors (Pension Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Insurance, Mutual Funds…),
  • Individual Investors and House­hold Finance,
  • Behavioral Finance,
  • Alternative Invest­ments,
  • Derivatives And Structured Finance,
  • Liquidity And Transaction Costs,
  • Socially Responsible Invest­ment,
  • Funds,
  • Fintech Corporate Social Responsibility,
  • Regulation And Financial Risk Management,
  • Capital Markets,
  • Interest Rate Instruments,
  • Asset Backed Securities,
  • Equities And Convertibles,
  • Securities Design,
  • Currencies,
  • Corporate Finance,
  • Hedging Strat­egies,
  • Asset Liability Management.