Systèmes d'information et management <p>The Journal is Under Construction.</p> EDITION ESKA fr-FR Systèmes d'information et management 1260-4984 TÉLÉTRAVAIL : OÙ EN EST-ON ? RETOUR SUR SES ENJEUX TECHNOLOGIQUES ET ORGANISATIONNELS <p>Alors que le télétravail s’est imposé à la faveur de la crise sanitaire, des confinements successifs et des mesures de restriction, nous avons choisi dans cet éditorial de revenir sur l’adoption de cette organisation du travail permise par les technologies numériques, et sur son évolution récente… finalement assez révélatrice de l’enchevêtrement des questions technologiques, organisationnelles et managériales qui font le cœur de la revue SIM....</p> Aurélie LECLERCQ-VANDELANNOITTE François DE CORBIÈRE Christophe ELIE-dit-COSAQUE Copyright (c) 2024 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 28 3 03 03 CIOS PROFILES: CONTRIBUTIONS OF NARRATIVE IDENTITY <p>The literature on CIOs identifies a trend shift from technical profiles to business profiles, which can even lead to new roles of innovators or even strategists. But we know that functions and roles are not uniformly adopted by individuals. This article allows us to account for the complexity of the identity of a CIO, in a more appropriate manner compared to a profile approach usually used in IS research. Towards this end, we mobilize Ricœur’s narrative identity which, with the notions of sameness (mêmeté) and selfhood (ipséité), makes it possible to better dissect the identity of CIOs. The results of the research, based on 25 interviews carried out with CIOs of large companies, highlight four roles of sameness and four aspirations of selfhood. The narrative identities of CIOs are then composed of different roles of sameness and selfhood and paint a nuanced picture avoiding too clear-cut categorizations. They each reflect the way in which each CIO manages their identity construction, often in an ambidextrous manner. By considering these aspects, the HR departments of organizations will undoubtedly be better able to understand and support CIOs both in terms of responsibilities and career aspirations</p> Laure MUSELLI Christina TSONI Régis MARTINEAU Emmanuel BERTIN Copyright (c) 2024 2023-09-29 2023-09-29 28 3 11 11 A DYNAMIC VIEW OF USERS’ EXPLOITATION AND EXPLORATION OF HEALTHCARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN LONG-TERM CARE <p>Healthcare organizations are often confronted with the underutilization of health information systems (HIS), preventing them from leveraging full benefits from their investments. The post-implementation stage requires several adaptation processes from users to appropriate the system. More specifically, appropriating a complex HIS and moving beyond satisfying use, or at least fighting against underutilization, requires constant adaptation of use. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to discuss the appropriation of HIS from a user perspective. We report from a qualitative study in nursing home settings to understand better how healthcare users exploit and explore their HIS. Drawing on exploitation and exploration theory and using causal loop diagrams as analytical and visualization devices, we propose a dynamic model of HIS appropriation, and we demonstrate the importance of both users’ cognitive style and the context in fostering HIS appropriation in stable and innovative situations. We conclude by identifying three propositions as suggestions for future research avenues but also to help users and managers find the right balance between HIS exploitation and exploration.</p> Marion LAUWERS Andrea CARUGATI Antonio GIANGRECO Copyright (c) 2024 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 28 3 59 59 IN QUEST FOR IS RESEARCH RELEVANCE: USING INTERRUPTED TIME SERIES METHODS IN IS POST-INTERVENTION RESEARCH <p>The lack of demonstrated intervention effectiveness has often prevented Information Systems research from achieving practical relevance. The IS field tends to mainly provide IS practitioners with a range of constructs, reference and contextualized theories, or else IT artifact-enriched models; often forgetting that its core mission is to point towards the best approaches and practices that practitioners shall implement. This paper attempts to reignite the intervention analysis stream of IS research in the form of interrupted time series (ITS) research designs, arguing that this would strengthen the connection between IS research and practice. ITS research designs in the specific IS context are introduced, followed by a presentation of four important ITS analytical techniques namely difference-in-differences (DID), interventional autoregressive integrated moving average (I-ARIMA), segmented regression, and Bayesian Structural Time-Series (BSTS) analysis. An illustration then follows, aiming at demonstrating how ITS designs can be implemented. Finally, we provide guidance to IS researchers to help them identify and frame potential IS intervention research projects. Elements of discussion about the advantages of ITS designs when conducting IS intervention research are then discussed, and we elaborate on the contributions of this research for IS scholarship.</p> Kevin CARILLO Fabrice DENIS Copyright (c) 2024 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 28 3 103 103