International Transitions 2024-03-11T10:34:34+00:00 Marise URBANO Open Journal Systems <p>International Transitions</p> <p><span lang="EN-GB">International Transitions is a multidisciplinary journal that addresses the gap between the realities of transitions and the aspirations they entail, as observed within our international academic community. Transition, defined as a slow and gradual movement from one state to another, often implies a desired change. We explore the realities of transition in various fields such as environment, health, digital, and societal transformations, examining how they align with people's expectations and influence our economies and societal interactions. </span>We welcome contributions that delve into these issues.</p> PIVOTING HIGHER EDUCATION TO TEACH SUSTAINABILITY 2024-03-11T09:57:57+00:00 Dr. Dominique BOURQUI Dr. David CLAIVAZ <p>Education institutions worldwide are launching an ever-growing number of initiatives to teach sustainability. The UN refers to the field in which these initiatives occur as the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The acronym HESD is used in reference to Higher Education for Sustainable Development. No authoritative description of HESD has yet emerged that would provide clear criteria in the field describing what Higher Education for Sustainable Development should comprise. In our paper, we introduce a simple typology to differentiate (1) the discussion and definition of sustainability, sustainable development, and sustainability related concepts, from (2) the commitment to sustainability, and from (3) the “making of sustainability”, as possible dimensions of sustainability teaching. Considering these three dimensions related to sustainability education leads to understanding that a change, taking the form of a pivot, is needed to teach the third dimension. We explain the pivot operated by Business School Lausanne (BSL) and why BSL has chosen to operate this pivot by associating sustainability and Entrepreneurship education. We then describe three concrete initiatives that have been taken, for which BSL has pivoted its educational approach: (1) Learning through real-life projects in sustainability: Consulting week for an association “Les Paniers de la Mule” (2) Sustainability in residence: MyBluePlanet (3) The Academic Citizens’ Assembly. Business School Lausanne (BSL) is a private Swiss business school. BSL’s engagement towards sustainability dates back more than a decade ago, when BSL committed in 2006 to the UN Global Compact Ten Principles and became in 2010 a Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) member.&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CO-CREATING A LEARNING COMMUNITY ON SUSTAINABILITY 2024-03-11T10:11:50+00:00 Gunnar ANDERSSON <p>This study explores the emergence of a distinctive learning community part of teaching sustainability. It uses action nets to describe major contributions shaping a learning community on sustainability. The results describe how the growing learning community of research, externally funded projects, teaching, students, NGOs, and regional industry is framed within a sociotechnical network of actants and identifies disruptions and events exposing the transitions in the making. Based on the findings we discuss lessons learned from the co-creation increasing the awareness of mechanisms involved in gaining (and regaining) needed to create the new approach to teaching sustainability. The learning community mirrors in many ways the systemic nature of sustainability and sustainable development. It also introduces the uncertainty and ambiguity inherent in the transition. It was easier than anticipated to mobilize resources, but the bounds connecting the different contributions are also delicate and we experience the learning community as a fresh produce, something we must create and recreate continuously.&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TEACHING SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION – A GERMAN PERSPECTIVE 2024-03-11T10:27:38+00:00 Prof. Dr. Peter MAYER <p>This paper offers an overview of how German higher education institutions are addressing the challenges associated with teaching sustainability. It illustrates the ongoing reforms aimed at implementing new programs, innovative pedagogy, advanced research initiatives, and campus transformations. These challenges are crucial for fostering an interdisciplinary perspective essential to comprehensively address the concept of sustainability. Furthermore, this paper argues that these structural reforms necessitate a corresponding transformation in higher education governance to ensure their long-term impact.&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SUSTAINABILITY IN BUSINESS TRAINING IN FRANCE: A CASE STUDY OF UPEC’S AEI-INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 2024-03-11T10:34:34+00:00 Dr. Christelle L. GARROUSTE <p>This article focuses on sustainable development education within the business field. It explores how French higher education frames such teaching, exemplified by initiatives at AEI International School of UPEC. The conclusion emphasizes the resistance encountered by initiatives adapting educational systems to societal transitions, especially environmental ones. While acknowledging the complexity of creating programs for unknown situations, it underscores the imperative to develop forward-looking educational programs. Despite challenges, international collaboration emerges as crucial for sharing insights and implementing effective programs to prepare current generations for the future.&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024