MAGHREB MASHREK INTERNATIONAL 2023-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Marise URBAN Open Journal Systems <p>Founded in 1964, Maghreb-Mashrek, is a leading international social science journal devoted to the contemporary issues of the Middle East and North Africa region. It brings together articles from researchers providing an in-depth analysis on the following topics: political systems, economic issues, social mobilizations, transnational dynamics, and international relations. The journal supports a multidisciplinary perspective based on political science, history, geography, sociology and economics.</p> Social Protection in Tunisia: Genesis and Extension to Informal Workers 2023-01-30T13:54:53+00:00 Nidhal BENCHEIKH Jean-Yves MOISSERON <p>Since Tunisia’s independence, social protection has been a priority because it is the key to eradicating poverty and improving health and education<br>indicators.The article is supported by statistics that give a clear picture of Tunisia’s position in relation to other countries of the MENA region in<br>different areas of social coverage.</p> 2022-12-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MAGHREB MASHREK Assessing EU–Mediterranean policies in the manufacturing industry from a bottom-up perspective: The case of Egypt 2023-01-30T14:00:08+00:00 Jean-Yves MOISSERON Selma FAZZANI Khaled GUESMI <p>This work provides an in-depth overview of Egypt’s manufacturing industry. For a long time, Egypt has sought a selective and state-directed<br>industrial policy, which, coupled with a host of socio-economic problems, has prevented it from recovering from its protracted economic crisis and<br>liberalizing its economy. The purpose of this article is, on the one hand, to scrutinize the Egyptian manufacturing sector from different perspectives.<br>On the other hand, the paper seeks to analyze how Egypt’s attempts to restructure its economy correlate with European policies.</p> 2022-12-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MAGHREB MASHREK The Youth Gender Gap in North Africa: Income Differentials and Informal Employment 2023-01-30T14:10:55+00:00 Philippe ADAIR Hassiba GHERBI <p>We examine the participation of youth to informal employment, as well as their contribution to income differentials according to gender within the<br>informal economy. We apply the Oaxaca -Ransom decomposition method to a sample of 7816 young people aged 15-29 in 2015 from North Africa.<br>Quantile regressions analyse income distribution by gender, according to the formal/informal employment distinction, on a subsample of 1,941<br>employees and self-employed workers. According to a decomposition model assessing the income gap by gender and employment status, women are<br>discriminated.</p> 2022-12-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MAGHREB MASHREK Fragmentation of Territories, Resources Trafficking and Predation at the Root of the Emergence of Terrorism in Libya: How did Fezzan Become a Sanctuary for Daesh? 2023-01-30T13:46:36+00:00 Rafaa TABIB <p>The post-insurgency situation in Libya is characterized by territorial division, the resurgence of tribal identities and a high level of conflict. This<br>fragmentation is reflected in the absence of any control over entire sections of the country, which are transformed into empty interstices or “hollows of<br>the State” invested by Daesh. The organization was able to take advantage of the inextricable divisions that tear the militias and the territories apart to<br>undertake the construction of its territorialized project in Sirte and Derna before experiencing a military defeat. Its migration (hijra) towards Fezzan,<br>in order to constitute a sanctuary there, certainly knew some premises of resilience of the organization, but quickly found itself in the face of resistance<br>on the part of the powerful local tribal factions.</p> 2023-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Reconstruction and informal settlements in Damascus: intersecting logics of urban policies in a context of conflict 2023-01-30T13:57:56+00:00 Valérie CLERC <p>The article analyzes the Syrian reconstruction through the prism of informal urbanization. It shows that in the context of an unfinished conflict, the choices of Damascus in favor of urban renewal join the fundamental logics of eviction characteristic of policies vis-à-vis informal settlements.<br />Through a double legislative apparatus of town planning and security, this policy of selective urban disappearances destroys rather than rebuilds the places of life and memory of two categories of the population, which overlap considerably: the opponents of the regime and the inhabitants of informal settlements.</p> 2022-12-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MAGHREB MASHREK Fostering the Social and Solidarity Economy in MENA countries: Issues and Constraints 2023-01-30T14:05:58+00:00 Philippe ADAIR Vladimir HLASNY Mariem OMRANI Kareem SHARABI ROSSHANDLE <p>Focusing on six MENA countries, the social and solidarity economy (SSE) includes both for profit and non-profit entities, cooperatives, associations<br>and mutual. Their legal frameworks and economic impact, especially in terms of employment and GDP contribution are surveyed. Both endogenous<br>and exogenous funding, such as personal savings and grants, are the major sources of SSEs, which face structural deficiencies in the banking system and lack tailored financial products that the microfinance industry should overcome. The SSE including microfinance institutions plays also a role in formalising both informal businesses and employees, as well as triggering job creation, especially for youth and women.</p> 2022-12-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MAGHREB MASHREK Morocco’s African Economic Diplomacy: A New Tool of Influence 2023-01-30T14:13:46+00:00 Lamia NEJJAR <p>The reign of Mohamed VI brought a new impetus to cooperation with African countries through a well-planned economic diplomacy. The geopolitics<br>of Africa and regional mapping have allowed Morocco to redefine its regional and continental role. Today, on the African market, Moroccan<br>companies have a strong presence in various sectors: in the construction, telecom, airline, fertilizer and service industries. This article examines<br>how Morocco manages to apply economic diplomacy to African countries.</p> 2022-12-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 MAGHREB MASHREK